Posts tagged loa series
how to use law of attraction to: find a partner

Back again with the LOA how-tos! I know that there are a few areas of our lives that feel like a “big deal” compared to others. Things like career, money, and love. Today, I’m touching on the love topic - finding a partner! I’m so grateful for such a strong relationship that grounds me and I know others are seeking that as well. I fully believe that my energy around my relationship status (aka being happy alone while still expecting to be married eventually) helped me attract Sebastian and here’s what I have to say on how to start attracting your ideal partner:

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law of attraction: discovering energetic relationships

I talked about the emotional scale and how it’s a great way to measure growth, but those same emotions can work on a smaller scale as well. Reading your energy around a particular subject is a great way to clear up little resistances that crop up from time to time.

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how to use the law of attraction to: get a new job

When most people approach law of attraction, they have an end goal in mind. Given that fact, I thought I’d do a little series of how-tos for manifesting different outcomes and up first: getting a new job. Don’t forget to check out more of my law of attraction articles here.

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law of attraction: feeling the feelings

If you’re new around here and haven’t seen the other articles in the LOA series, check that out here. Today I want to talk about feeling the feelings of what you want. When it comes to law of attraction, a lot of people will teach you specific methods of manifesting, but I personally don’t think there’s enough emphasis put on feeling the feelings of what you want and it’s something that’s easy to forget.

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law of attraction: scarcity mentality

There’s this thing called Scarcity Mentality and I hate it because it breeds fear. It tells you that there’s only so much of something and that if someone else has what you want, there’s less of it available for you. If someone else has success, there’s less for you. If someone else has money, there’s less for you. If someone else has love, there’s less for you.

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not sure about law of attraction? read this.

If you are a law of attraction skeptic, this one’s for you! In the past I’ve struggled with the concept of teaching others how to leverage law of attraction to manifest something specific - mostly because I didn’t have an awesome manifesting story myself. Yesterday that changed and I feel like I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t share it.

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law of attraction: all about resistance

Resistance is the reason why when you decide you want something, it doesn’t magically appear in front of you immediately. In order to receive something, you have to be a vibrational match to it and if you have resistance around it, you aren’t going to match. So resistance is when your subconscious thoughts are contrary to what you want. If you want one thing, but you expect something different, you’re going to get exactly what you expect. A lot of times, what people expect is not necessarily what they want.

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the power of visualizations

There are tons of high performers who swear by visualizations as part of their success - professional athletes, business titans, entertainers, etc. There is so much power in seeing yourself doing something. It retrains your brain to believe and expect it to be true. It makes it much less of a leap to get from here to there, thereby giving you more drive and willingness to persevere because it doesn’t seem quite as hard as it might have.

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law of attraction: why it's simple but not always easy

This is the disclaimer I always want to give people who are learning about law of attraction, so they don’t assume they can produce a million dollars in their first week: this process seems really simple, but we’re humans and we like to get in our own way so it’s not always easy. We get attached to outcomes and create resistance so that the Universe isn’t able to get what we want to us.

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identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs! In and of themselves not super fun, but it is super fun to know they exist because that means you can work towards getting rid of them! Limiting beliefs are unconscious thoughts that are holding you back. Did you know that 95% of our thoughts are subconscious. Those ingrained mental habits practically run our lives. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t sign up to live by rules that I set for myself that I may no longer need or agree with.

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law of attraction: alignment before action

Action is much more effective if you’re aligned and in a flow state. Everything is easier, faster and better quality. We’ve all had those days where literally nothing goes our way (aka we’re out of alignment) and our work that day suffers for it. Alignment time in the morning is an easy and really enjoyable thing to do to make your days better – whether you’re doing it for law of attraction purposes or not.

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law of attraction: what is it anyway?

Quantum mechanics tells us that on a subatomic level everything has a frequency/vibration and like attracts like. So things of a particular frequency are attracted to things of a similar frequency. What law of attraction means to me is that if I can raise my vibration, I can get more good stuff in my life. That’s maybe a little bit of an oversimplification, but it’s true.

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