where i am: april 2019

I swear this year just keeps getting better and better. Our move into Brown Betty went smoothly, we’ve been knocking down some of the easy fixes and have started the master bedroom renovation, and I went to Alt/Alison’s Brand School (and fell in love with Palm Springs)!

where i am: april 2019

I’m right in the middle of a big push to make more consistent income through the blog. Alt gave me the information + inspiration that I needed to recommit and go at it with all I’ve got. I’m going to be working really hard through the end of May to manifest some major income so I can keep this train rolling. Part of that is continuing to work on my money mindset AND to keep the money manifestations at the forefront of my mind. I talked about how I did a 21 day challenge in order to manifest $75,000 here but now I’m doing a month long Money Magnet Mindset course with Brad Yates with the intention of creating consistent income, so I fully expect big things.

It’s interesting, but I feel like I’m harnessing more of my masculine energy. It feels good to put in more effort and I have more ideas for things I want to work on. I’m putting in more hours in the day than I was before. I don’t think that’s better or worse. I know that I needed time to detox from all the efforting and hustling I did for years and it took time for that to feel good again. Now I’m trying to find the balance of work + play so I can find the best flow for right now.

What I’m Working On

Manifesting income

Regular, livable income with the end goal of matching Sebastian’s income. I’m ready to be the breadwinner so he can be the stay at home cat dad he’s always dreamed of being! Jk - he’d probably go nuts with nothing to do.

Home renovations

You can check out some info on our master bedroom here and I added a home tour video to my IGTV, but I’m hoping to finish flooring, paint, and getting the room + closet set up with what we have by the end of next week. The room won’t be totally ‘designed’ at that point, but it will feel like a haven from the constant reminder of what’s left to do in the rest of the house.  

I was trying to think of a third because I normally do 3 but I’m just going to tell y’all that these two are really all that’s taking up brain space for me right now. Part of the manifesting income side of things includes brand growth in general so that’s a piece of it, but I’m staying really focused on these two sizable projects and it’s been kind of amazing. I know exactly what I want and I’m going after it. That’s kinda new for me 😉

 What I’m Excited about:


I put this in last month’s update, but we brought the dogs home yesterday so I’m excited to integrate them into our family unit. I know getting the cats and the dogs acquainted might bring some challenges, but we’re so glad to have them with us. There’s 6 of us now – woah!

Following the Inspiration

I feel so much more fired up than I have in a while. I have been journaling a lot over the last year (!) about how I wanted to manifest more clarity in my life and my business. It finally really happened (read more about that here) and I’m SO FREAKING PUMPED. I can see what value I have to offer and I am ready to offer it. It’s going to be amazing!


Maybe it was coincidental, but I feel like all of these breakthroughs I’ve been having are well timed with the arrival of spring. Warm weather breathes life back into me and I have been spending as much time as I can outside. Our new neighborhood is great for an afternoon stroll so I’m looking forward to taking as much advantage of that as I can before it gets too hot.

I know these updates give y’all a chance to see what’s going on in my world and it’s incredibly helpful for me to see how I’m growing over time! If you’re ever interested in seeing more behind the scenes, check out my Instagram and specifically, follow my Instagram stories to see what’s happening day to day! I also hope these serve as a reminder to check-in on what’s going well in your life and what you want to be working on. I’d love to hear about it – what are you up to recently?